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旦那の転勤がキッカケで田舎から越してきた山井夫婦は結婚3年目。旦那とは●校時代からの恋人で結婚したが、すずは彼以外の男を知らない。だが、付き合いが長い為に2人のセックスはただ子作りする為の淡白そのもの。「本当は、もっと猛烈に求めて欲しい…」その思いを秘めていたすずは、自治会役員の男にあまりにひどい仕打ちをうけるが…?Yamai and her husband have been married for three years, having moved here from the countryside because of her husband’s job transfer. They have been married for three years. Her husband is her boyfriend from her school days, but Suzu has never known any other man. But because they’ve known each other for so long, their sex life is a bland affair just to make a baby. “I really want you to want me more fiercely...“ Suzu has been hiding her feelings, but a man on the community council treats her so badly...?